S c r o l l D o w n

Cellulose — a natural polymeric material. It is one of the most important semi-finished products used in the paper, textile and chemical industries.

The main raw-material for the production of cellulose is a leafy and coniferous types of wood. Over the past 20−30 years in the world practice an 1-year plants, and fast-growing trees are really widespreading.

The most promising type of raw materials, due to their high papermaking properties and rather rapid growth, are the rapidly growing Paulownia trees.

In Europe, as well as in the neighboring countries the technologies for obtaining cellulose from Paulownia wood are actively developed and improved.

The results, that based on the chemical and morphological analysis, showed that Paulownia fibers are a suitable fibrous raw-material for the paper production.


On the basis of the obtained research data, the content of cellulose and lignin was determined to be about 51% and 23.5%, respectively. These values are comparable to the values of traditional hardwood species.


The Paulownia culture researching, thats conducted by the Nanning Lv Tong Forestry Technology Limited Company were evaluated in accordance with the Leica DMLS (Material Analysis Standards) (ASTM). Link to the research article


It was concluded that the fast-growing Paulownia tree has a high potential as a fibrous and lignocellulosic material.

Paulownia tree advantages in the paper production

  1. The main advantage of Paulownia over the oter types of wood is a growth rate and a possibility to obtain of the high-quality wooden raw-materials in shorter period, and for a lower self-cost.
  2. We don't need a qualitative agricultural lands for the production of ecological products, materials and raw-materials from fast-growing wood. Natural unpretentiousness and technologies of planting seedlings of fast-growing Paulownia trees in the open ground makes it possible to use infertile lands. So, Paulownia will not compete with other agricultural crops for the lands and won't be a factor that can increase the self-cost of agricultural crops.
  3. Paulownia tree can be cutting down at the any time of the year, regardless of the season.
  4. Paulownia tree independentlyregenerates from roots.


Our technologies of cultivating a Paulownia on plantations are provides an opportunity for obtaining of 700 cubic meters of high-quality raw-materials from 1 Hectare in a 3-years period

The organisation of 100 hectare plantation for commercial timber production:



Plantation for growing up the 3-year old Paulownia trees


Wood fibers are the optimal source and perfect ingredient for truly innovative biomaterials, such as biocomposites and biochemicals.

Wood fibers possibly can be the key to low-carbon bioeconomics of the future!