
S c r o l l D o w n


For strategical partners-investors and companies, those using a wood-production and green biomass, and are interested in receiving a fast-renewable wooden and vegetable raw materials,

we suggest to consider the question of creation of a joint company for cultivating of fast-growing Paulownia trees on the plantations in Krasnodar Region of Russian Federation

Russian Federation.

Established joint company will allow:

  1. To receive a high-quality wooden raw material and green biomass in shorter time period (from 1 to 5 years), with a low self-cost of product and contribute to meeting the needs in:
  • Woodworking industry
  • Alternative energy sources production
  • Pulp and paper industry
  • Livestock breeding (producers of animal feed)
  • Biopharmaceuticals and cosmetic industry.
  1. To save the natural forests, which recovering period is counting in tens of years.
  2. To recover the ecology of the planet on the background of continuous capital gain.

We created an optimal system of the production plan for the Plantation (S = 100 hectare), which is ensuring an annual capital gain and an annual profit-making 

This business system including:

Growing of the fast-growing Paulownia trees, with subsequent use and sale them as:

  • business wood (sawn timber, furniture boards);
  • raw materials for solid biofuel (pellets, bio-coal);
  • raw materials for the production of cellulose (paper products);
  • biomass for liquid biofuel (bioethanol);
  • green biomass for livestock (fodder and biological supplements);
  • green biomass for cosmeceutics (Paulonin extract);

Paulownia trees


Why is it profitable to work with us?

Paulownia trees

Our philosophy of cooperation

  • We support a circular economy in which resources are used as long as it possible, quickly restored and processed into the new products, materials and energy.
  • We focus our activities, investments and resources on those areas where we have a clear competitive advantage and good growth potential.
  • Each production is aimed at higher relative productivity in its respective market
  • We have created an constantly growing set of competitive products that do not neglect the unique and special essense of wood as a traditional material.
  • We producing a rapidly renewable products and raw materials, that millions of people around the world are need. Customer orientation, innovation and sustainability are combined into a unique way of development.
  • We're doing everything with maximum efficiency and with saving on costs simultaneously.
  • We have created a strong value added chain, where we are use a wood and green biomass as efficiently as possible at each stage.
  • Our success is determined by good business ethics, as well as constant dialogue and transparent interaction with our stakeholders.
  • We are focusing on ensuring of good cooperation, regular discussion and interaction at all levels.

We are developing a new innovative and sustainable enterprises:



commercial woodcellulose and lignin biofuelsgreen biomass








We're sharing the common interests with our stakeholders

and trying to find innovative ways to developing the company together