S c r o l l D o w n

Resource saving and searching for alternative renewable energy sources, solving of an environmental problems and developing energy-saving technologies are the most urgent tasks today. The human life is unthinkable without the energy. We are all accustomed to using of organic fuel — coal, gas, oil as an energy sources. However, their reserves in nature are limited.

Today technological progress is measured by the degree of protection of ecology. It means that biofuels from renewable raw-materials has become increasingly important.

Plants, that traditionally used for the production of raw-materials for biofuel, usually gives a large increase of green biomass

In recent years in Europe and in the United States, much attention has been paid to the creation of plantations of the fast growing Paulownia tree, that aimed on obtaining of a raw materials for the production of solid and liquid biofuels.


Table 1. Comparative characteristics of wooden plant species as an alternative energy sources

Fast-growing tree     Number of seedlings,

per hectare
Cutting cycle  

Volume of biomass,

per 1 year, T / hectare

POPLAR (TOPOL) 10 000 5 years 8−12
WILLOW (VERBA) 40 000 3 years 10−15
PAULOWNIA 4 400 2 years 24−40

Burning of 1 ton of the Paulownian Fuel granules will allow to get the same amount of energy as from:

  • 480 cubic meters of natural gas;
  • 500 liters of diesel fuel;
  • 700 liters of masut.



(that necessary for biofuel production)

  1. Lightness
  2. High calorific value
  3. Low content of an ash, volatile substances and associated carbon
  4. Moisture resistance
  5. Easy for reprocess

Our technologies of cultivating a Paulownia on plantations are provides an opportunity for obtaining of 37200 cubic meters of high-quality raw-materials for biofuel production from 100 Hectares (86 tons per 1 Ha) in a 2 years period.




100 ha Plantation for growing of the 2-year-old Paulownia trees



Interest for the fast-growing tree plantations in European countries is largely due to their high conservation potential.

And now, Europe is the largest market for biofuel consumption, according to experts, pellet consumption will increase to 50−80 million tons by 2020. This is equivalent to 5-fold growth.